Saturday, November 3, 2012

Margot's Four Month Photos

Oh my goodness!  I just now remembered that I didn't post Margot's four month photos after I posted her letter.  Geez.  I totally dropped the ball on that one!  Here they are.  I definitely TOOK the photos on October 21st, so at least I remembered to do it.  This month we enjoyed the introduction of a lovely white BOW on top of that big old square head of her's.  So. Stinking. CUTE!

We continue to fall more and more in love with this one every day.  Sylvia is totally smitten.  Margot laughs all the time, but for some reason she really BELLY laughs at Sylvia.  Sometimes just the sight of Sylvia makes Margot cackle with glee!  Margot is still trying to roll over, but she doesn't seem to be in too much of a hurry to get anywhere, which is FINE with me.  She is the most content, laid back, tolerant baby I've ever seen.  I do my best to keep Sylvia from trampling her over every day, but now that Margot's big enough to be tossed around a little bit, I tend to let the sister "rough housing" go on a little longer than I used to.  This morning, Sylvia was laying on top of Margot, making funny faces and silly sounds, and I didn't say anything because the smile on Margot's face was priceless!  I don't know how we ever kept our first baby entertained without a big sister!  I love watching them grow together.  I am one lucky Mama!

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