Tuesday, August 26, 2014

The Rest of Summer

All three kids are in bed and I think I have some time to dump some pictures on the blog!  Yippee!  Forgive me for rushing, but I have a lot of CUTE to pack into this post.  Five weeks worth, in fact, so buckle up!

At the end of July, Sylvain and I took Albert to Louisville for the weekend.  We went to a wedding reception for our friend Steve, of which I have NO pictures because I was too busy talking.  We spent the night at the Seelbach Hotel (it was AWESOME and I can't wait to go back without a baby who wakes up every two hours).  Then, before we left, we went to a gallery opening featuring none other than the amazing artwork of JORDAN MICHAEL HUMBERT!!!!!  It was super fun:
He paints llamas.  Well, he paints a lot of things, but his llamas are a HIT.

The man, the myth, the legend.

Sent a text of this gem to my mom.

Albert enjoyed himself in the ol' Moby wrap.

Our crew: Jordan, Katie, Karl and Sylvain.  One person came up to us and asked, "Are you the llama people?"

Moving on.  Let's talk about this picture for a second:

Couple things: sideways sleeping?  Hilarious and cute.  Dirty feet?  Not so cute.  Bath time has been totally optional lately.  Don't get me started on the night time pacifier (I'm not fighting that battle, she can go to college with the stupid thing for all I care) or the UK blanket (she's attached, enough said, right?)  These days I let that girl have whatever the heck she wants if it makes her happy and keeps her quiet.  Being a two year old AND a middle child is rough, to say the least.  Poor baby.

Then there's this one, the little Mama:
 She can feed him, so once I teach her to change a diaper we're going OUT ON THE TOWN!

They are totally into games right now and I absolutely love watching them learn together.  Margot couldn't play games a few short months ago because taking turns was NOT possible, but now she's a pro!  Games are also a nice, relaxing way for me to spend time with them.  In the air conditioning.  I can play Candy Land while lying on the couch - Mom for the win!

Uncle Evan was in town and I wish I had more pictures of him with the kids.  He and John came over for lunch and the girls were thrilled.  We also went to the zoo one day while he was here, so it was all of our favorite things in one place!

We gave this little guy his first bath!  (Alright, full disclosure: these pics are from, like, his fifth or sixth bath, but they all looked the same.)

Here he is in his adorable hooded towel from Mamie Nelly.  She embroidered a picture from The Little Prince on it!

Here's mom driving Uncle Steve's new hot little red car:

And here's Margot in her hot little yellow car!  Mom found it at a garage sale, of course. 

 Albert took his first bottle from Daddy and he has one every few days.  So far, no problems, but if he's anything like his big sisters he'll go on a bottle strike here pretty soon.  Time will tell!

And that's it!  Tons of fun in the last five weeks.  School has started without me and I'm so glad because there is no WAY I could go back to work this soon.  Three kids is hard work on a good day and downright impossible on a bad one.  We're trucking along, though!  Sylvia starts preschool next week and I'm sure September will fly by before we know it!  I can't wait for fall weather, football, chili and pumpkins!!

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