Monday, March 21, 2011

Getting Some Work Done Before Bedtime

The other night, Sylvia had a lot of work to do, so I let her borrow my laptop.  It looks like she had a pretty good time...

Let's just start this puppy up and get to work.  Control, alt, delete...aaaaaaand we're rolling!

Hey!  Look at that!  My stocks are climbing!  Now I can buy that sa-wheeet wave runner I've had my eye on.  Ch-ching!

 I'll just sell a couple of shares........

Move a couple of these stocks around....

These reports won't write themselves!  Makin' dollas is hard work!

Oh no!  Control Z!  Control Z! That was a close one!  Gotta be more careful.

 Think I'll check the UK score while I'm at a good stopping point.  Hey!  They're winning!  Go Cats!

Better hit escape before the boss lady catches me.  Yup, there we go.

Quittin' time!  I'll just save my work on my thumb drive.  And that's a wrap!
Whew!  What a day!

Sorry, I couldn't help myself.  She was being super cute, like she had just gotten off the phone with the eTrade baby and figured out how to use the computer.  She was typing and talking like she meant business!


krissy said...

this is great!!

Meredith said...

SOoooo cute!!! I was thinking "etrade baby" the whole time I was reading this post. She is getting so big!

stephanie said...

Love it...and her:)

Rachael Koontz said...
