Today is November 1, the first day of National Blog Posting Month. Now, I'm not sure, but when I check their link, it looks like every month is National Blog Posting Month and you just pick the month in which you want to try to post every day. Laura and I did it last November, and I think November makes for a great Blog Posting Month because it's time to really start thinking about all the things for which I am thankful. I told Laura earlier today that there's no way I'd be able to do it this year, because I barely make it to the computer for a weekly post anymore, much less a daily one, but then I thought about it all day long and remembered how nice it was to sit down each evening and reflect on all of my blessings. So here we go! I'm going to give it a shot, but I won't make any promises. I'll be brief (or as brief as I can be *wink wink*) and I'll be sincere. Tonight, I am thankful for...
Being a Mom.
As I was putting Sylvia to bed tonight, I stopped for a second after getting up out of my chair. I swayed back and forth before putting her in her crib and I looked up on the wall to see my shadow swaying over the tree we put up last year. I looked at my silhouette, with the Nugget's little head on my shoulder, and remembered that this is exactly where I've always wanted to be. I remembered that at this time last year, and for many years before, this has been exactly my dream. And to see it there, up on the wall, in a faint outline, right before my eyes, made it very clear that no matter how difficult this may be, or how incredibly I might mess up, I'll always have this moment. The one where I know without a shadow of a doubt that being a mother is the greatest job in the world. So tonight, while the out-of-town guests are downstairs and the washing machine is filling up and the bottles need to be washed, I decided to sit down and give thanks for my biggest blessing. Motherhood.
A Weekend Getaway To Ocean Springs
4 weeks ago
Awesome. That's all I can say.
Awww! You are a great Mother. Yay for NaBloPoMo!
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