Monday, October 5, 2009

Only Because So Many People Have Asked...

Here is a (one, only one) "belly picture." Ugh! I swore I would never do this because I think they are totally silly and I have no interest in documenting how fat I get, but many (many, many) people have asked me to take some belly pics and post them. The only reason I decided to do it is because these people live far away and I love them...a lot. I'm not doing it every week, in fact, you'll be lucky to see one every month, but I'll do it. And I'll complain about it every time just to make myself feel better.

Without Further Ado, I Give You....
Pregnant Rachael:
(insert scene from Jurassic Park when T-Rex makes the water glass shake with his gigantic, stomping hugeness)
Keep Going!
Is she having a baby or does she eat children alive?
Me and the baby - 13 weeks

I'm wearing my regular jeans which still fit (thank goodness) but I'm afraid to wash them because we all know what happens to washed jeans. Black has become my new best friend, especially at work, but I think this pic does a good job showing my enormous "pooch," as I like to call it. Anyone who knew me four years ago knows that I have a loooong list of fears about pregnancy and right at the top is GETTING FAT, so you all better tell me I look cute, even though my hair's a mess and I'm wearing my custom-made hair band bracelet (at least I put on make-up for you...that's a big deal)! Now, just to make myself feel better, here's a picture of me that I actually like - from a long time ago:

See! Aren't I pretty!
(You're welcome.)


Meredith said...


Laura said...
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Laura said...

sorry, I can't type this late into the night. here is what I meant to post the first time:

Yipee!! you barely have a bump - and look about like I do after a night at Rincon. Your makeup does look FABU :)

Madonna said...

Seriously. I think I am going to barf now. I was double your size! DOUBLE, I tell you! Now, you didn't know me pre-pregnancy, but I was much smaller than I am now. And just so you don't freak out...I lost all my prego weight during my 3 month maternity leave...however, here is where you will start freaking...I gained it all back after returning to work. Hopefully, now that I am not working my old body, with some modifications, will return!

Sharon said...

Rachael, I just want to say that your blog has made me laugh and cry (in that happy sort of way) in all of about ten minutes. You are awesome and you (and your belly bump) are very cute.

p.s. I love your letter to little Beaker. I wrote some to Lilly, too. It's a great idea.