Well. Those three years just flew right by, didn't they? I somehow convinced myself that Facebook and Instagram were an acceptable substitute for my little family blog. I post all of our memories and moments there, and I tell myself that once they're recorded, I'm done. I don't use photo albums or baby books or even this blog anymore. Social Media has taken over! And I'm okay with that.
But we're in a weird and unusual time right now, and this Mama can't fall asleep. I lay awake at night with millions of thoughts racing through my brain. Not bad thoughts or worries in particular, just so...many...thoughts! Stories. Ideas. Dreams for the future. Fears, too, of course, but mostly hopeful things. I've decided to blog again, just as a journal to get myself through these strange days. If my thoughts have a place to go and a page to land on, maybe I'll be able to sleep! It's been a long time since I've stretched my writing muscles. I want to write again, just for fun.
There's so much content in the world right now. So many posts and blogs and articles and experts and I really feel like I'm just drowning in all the noise. I'm returning to my blog so I can create my own content for my own self and my own family. Sure, it's available for all to read, but at the end of the day, these are just my thoughts and ramblings about our little slice of life here in Kentucky.
As for life right now - it's the busiest and laziest it's ever been! The kids are asleep, Sylvain and I are watching a movie, and our plans for the week include.....nothing. We aren't going to church tomorrow or to school on Monday. We aren't going to Moon River or planning to see any Grandparents any time soon. We are quarantined in our home, along with the rest of Kentucky, while we wait out the spread of the corona virus. We are about to start our fifth week of "Non Traditional Instruction," which means no one goes to school, but everyone does their work from home.
I plan to write all about our journey through this pandemic, but also to write about our family, our plans, our hopes, and maybe some silly stories we've created along the way.
A Weekend Getaway To Ocean Springs
4 weeks ago